英日字典: wipe_out
The wipe_out has 6 Senses.
- use up, eat up, consume, eat, exhaust, deplete, run through, wipe out
- 摩切る, 消尽, 摺り切る, 使う, 摩り切る, 費す, 消耗, 消費, 遣う, 摺切る, 擦切る, 費やす, 擦り切る, 費消
- use up (resources or materials); "this car consumes a lot of gas"; "We exhausted our savings"; "They run through 20 bottles of wine a week"
- (資源または材料)使い果たす
- annihilate, eliminate, carry off, eradicate, extinguish, decimate, wipe out
- 撃滅, 滅ぼす, 討ちほろぼす, 根絶やす, 滅尽, 殲滅, 討滅, 撲滅, 討ち亡ぼす, 討亡ぼす, 討ち滅ぼす, 根絶, 討滅ぼす, 剿滅
- kill in large numbers; "the plague wiped out an entire population"
- 大量に殺す
- sweep away, wipe out
- 一掃
- eliminate completely and without a trace; "The old values have been wiped out"
- 完全に、痕跡を残さずに取り除く
- wipe out, erase
- 消去, 滅絶, 覆滅, 拭き取る, 消去る, 拭き消す, 消却, 拭いさる, ぬぐい取る, 消除, 拭い取る, 掃滅, 消し去る, 拭去る, 消す, 剿滅, 拭い去る
- remove from memory or existence; "The Turks erased the Armenians in 1915"
- 記憶または存在から取り除く
- obliterate, kill, wipe out
- 払拭, 削除, 消す
- mark for deletion, rub off, or erase; "kill these lines in the President's speech"
- 削除、消去、消すために印を付ける
- cancel out, wipe out
- 約分
- wipe out the effect of something; "The new tax effectively cancels out my raise"; "The `A' will cancel out the `C' on your record"
- 何かの影響を取り除く
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